Installing on Apple Mac OSX Systems
The installation steps below follow the same procedure as when you install any other normal program.
Once you have chosen to download the software a progress box like this one may appear but what you see may vary depending on which internet browser you are using.
When the download is completed this notice will appear which you should read. To progress click the “agree” button confirming that you will abide by the licence.
The next window that appears will look like this. Install the software by dragging the red “JJ” icon across and onto the Applications folder. (Within the window as shown by the grey arrow)
Find the red JamJar icon in your applications folder and drag it into your DOC.
You are now ready to enjoy using the software by clicking on the “JJ” icon.
Important – On Mac computers is very important not to leave JamJar software open for more than 12 hours as your photobook files can be lost.